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Two Tone Desecration Society

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Two Tone Desecration Society Empty Two Tone Desecration Society

Post by deolio Sun Nov 15, 2015 11:43 pm

originally this was meant to be a daily/restoration build, but things got out of hand real quick.

picked this baby up in september 2013. it was in pretty rough shape after being beat on for a few years. the sohc was super weak and the body was beat up a bit.

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it somehow passed smog, but then when i was moving it from my house to the shop something decided to blow and covered 8 lanes of i5 in a cloud of smoke. somehow the car made it to our shop, where i was able to do a burnout before it puked coolant all over the floor.

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i promptly pulled the motor and cleaned up the bay a little

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after a few months of searching i finally found a dual cam out of an auto s14 for a reasonable price. timing chain and all the gaskets, other than the head gasket were replaced.

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i picked up some wheels off yaj, which completely changed the direction of the build. i knew at this point things were about to get serious.

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got the motor in, picked up aero, and some mirrors. i poached the arms and coilers off of my previous q45 project. i just had to get some different upper and lower mounts for the coils and got some sweet swift springs.
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i went and drove my first event in it without the aero since i aint about that mismatched aero shit. the car drove a little funky. though it was a clutch issue.
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hit the car with some fresh paint and fixed a lot of body damage
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drove it around sf and went to a meet at ocean beach
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went and did another event, but the car was acting weird under load. realized it was a fuel issue. tried to limp the car home, but the fuel pump died about 2/3's of the way back.
Two Tone Desecration Society 3059DA31-D599-4D96-AF6F-CC694CCEFC3F_zpskrguvmhf

Posts : 86
Join date : 2015-11-15
Age : 36
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Two Tone Desecration Society Empty Re: Two Tone Desecration Society

Post by deolio Sun Nov 15, 2015 11:59 pm

replaced the fuel pump and finally got to do an event with power (all 150hp)
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drove up to medford for bash to the future (about 6 hours either way)
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the car drove awesome, unfortunately i was sick the whole time and only felt good enough to get about an hour of driving in.
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daily drove the car for several months. aero took a bit of a beating so i fixed it up and got it all pretty. then i went to club drift and promptly destroyed it.
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yanked it out at the track, did a few more runs, and drove home
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fixed the bumper again and got a new fender
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got some solid rack bushings
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got some paint, but couldn't find a new headlight assembly and cover in time
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and then final bout prep got serious. picked up some random aero shit and got my exhaust did
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did some skids
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snapped one of the canards in half by noon the first day lol, but it was an excellent time
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Posts : 86
Join date : 2015-11-15
Age : 36
Location : sac

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Two Tone Desecration Society Empty Re: Two Tone Desecration Society

Post by deolio Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:21 am

came back and won a few rounds of drift cave series
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then i spun at sonoma on mihan night and dom pushed my shit in again lol
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i noticed the impact caused my lower rad support and framerail to detach. welded it back together and the car drove wayyyyyy better. i figure it had probably been disconnected for a while, but i somehow didn't notice hahaha
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and then it was time for more POWAAAA
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and new aero
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oh and someone spun out in front of me again and this time it was beyond what a hammer and a truck could fix so it was time for a new front end
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oh and new paint. i had a long internal debate about whether to stick with two tone or not
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but then i saw this color a the paint store
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and i committed blasphemy, but it was worth it.
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and then like 3 runs into day one of final bout 2, 2nd gear blew up, but luckily i brought a spare transmission. took me until the next day to finish replacing it due to exhaustion of the previous 2 weeks of limited sleep, trying to get the car ready.
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then i got like 10-15 more runs in before blowing up 2nd gear on the spare tranny
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also i took a mean chunk out of one of the sparco's lol
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and blew my front bumper into like 60 pieces, most of which i was able to collect from the track. (i found the lower left chunk after the picture)
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so yeah, that's the last 2 years of this build in extreme condensed form. still trying to figure out why i blew up two trannies. the clutch that is in the car right now is super aggressive and i'm pretty sure the stock flywheel is still in there, which i think just may have been too much shock since i was still clutch kicking like it was a ka lol. also i was getting some wheel hop, which i guess could have been causing extra shock. i'm hoping that a lighter flywheel and stock clutch will decrease the impact until i can solve the wheel hop issue Very Happy

Last edited by deolio on Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 86
Join date : 2015-11-15
Age : 36
Location : sac

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Two Tone Desecration Society Empty Re: Two Tone Desecration Society

Post by thesuperiormichaelcera Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:28 am

Quality build! #tryingtogainpostcount

wish i was 4 lug

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Join date : 2015-11-16
Location : Da Streetz

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Two Tone Desecration Society Empty Re: Two Tone Desecration Society

Post by mad-ass Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:44 pm

you, i like this build. much more exciting then mine will ever be.

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Location : Nor-Cal

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Two Tone Desecration Society Empty Re: Two Tone Desecration Society

Post by wavyzenki Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:56 am

dope build dude. would love to see more Smile miss the two tone.

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Two Tone Desecration Society Empty Re: Two Tone Desecration Society

Post by Justinzenki Tue Nov 17, 2015 1:39 pm

V cool like V-opt Cool


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Join date : 2015-11-17

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Two Tone Desecration Society Empty Re: Two Tone Desecration Society

Post by deolio Mon Dec 14, 2015 3:56 pm

finally got around to lowering the car to normal ride height for the first time since painting it and stuff/fb. i like it Very Happy
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pulled apart my other spare trans just to check it out before putting it in and found it was already fucked up haha fml
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thursday i finally got a new transmission after months of searching for a reasonable priced one
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pulled the broken shit out and had a beer
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then i went to pull off the stock flywheel that was on there and found 4 of 8 of the bolts/holes were stripped
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so now i have to replace the crank.

get an sr they said. you'll love it they said.

Last edited by deolio on Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 86
Join date : 2015-11-15
Age : 36
Location : sac

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Two Tone Desecration Society Empty Re: Two Tone Desecration Society

Post by deolio Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:21 pm

i should have gotten a truck instead of the is haha

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that's just a spare crank next to the block. there's one in it that is hopefully in better condition. about to tear down the block tonight and inspect it. if it's in good condition i'm just going to rebuild this block and throw my head on. crossing my fingers

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Age : 36
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Two Tone Desecration Society Empty Re: Two Tone Desecration Society

Post by deolio Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:45 pm

so i pulled the motor

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checked everything out in there. everything was in good condition Smile

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out with the old, in with the new. but wait, the fucking spot for piston #2 is ovalised as fuck.
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good thing i took the rusty ass crank that was sitting on top of the block at td garage too.
Two Tone Desecration Society 48DD984B-9A7C-4A78-8B87-5516CAC52136_zpsseaufvig

spent like 2 hours cleaning all the surface rust off the crank and then threw everything back together.
Two Tone Desecration Society B57EC758-D3BE-437E-88CE-2CF097451680_zpsnckvy38g

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Two Tone Desecration Society Empty Re: Two Tone Desecration Society

Post by deolio Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:31 pm

and then i had a mean lifter tick. went through and bled everything a couple times until i we started to get frustrated and rushing and there was some beer involved.... and timing was of when i went to start it up and bent a valve.

Two Tone Desecration Society 80F784C9-9A15-4626-BBC7-82775EEF3AF0_zpssmrjpl4g

i swear i'm retarded or something. i've learned the same lesson over and over, but always forget, DON'T RUSH YOUR SHIT!

so i picked up a head with bc 264's, ??? bc springs, and bc ti retainers instead of fixing the stock one because fuck my bank account.

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also got some spare wonder skirts from wolfreign. boss aero had been thinking about modifying them, but then said, "nah, fuck that" after cutting up one of the skirts. fortunately they were kinda easy to fix (have yet to get around to the curvy front part of the skirt, which could be a cunt i guess)
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and because i was fixing one hole, i had to create another, for the sake of keeping the universe out of balance. chopped a siqqqqq hole in the rear bumper
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but then i had to make the driver side butthole match and added a strip o glass to the bottom side
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and then, liberal application of ls tips and ta-daaaaaa
Two Tone Desecration Society B1638067-D2B5-4484-9820-452DFD1E6164_zpsimwq7zg3

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Join date : 2015-11-15
Age : 36
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Two Tone Desecration Society Empty Re: Two Tone Desecration Society

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