Its probably going to blow up
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Its probably going to blow up
More like definitely.
Traded and a $800 e30 for it. Twins in Sf owned it and were selling it to get one of their cars out of impound. Its already had a autopower 4 point and momo seats/ steering wheel. Got it home, got it smogged, deleted the cat and all the emissions crap and installed a cam i had sitting around. Also threw my battles on it and bought some 18s for the rear (cause i'm stuck in 2008 still).
This where we stand right now. Need to figure out what to do with wheel color? New s14 bc coilovers (thx black friday)are on the way as well as 300zx to s14 conversion brake lines, new s14 balljoints, and random crap to make a powersteering line.
Modified the stock starion cross member shoehorns to work on the 240sx crossmember.
So i'll be ditching the stock steering box for a s13 rack with some nice inners, s14 outers, s14 knuckles,new oem 5 lug hubs, extended and boxed lcas, and z32 brakes. For the rear i just mod the pick up point on the coilover to work on the starion and done. More pics to come within the week while all the fab work happens. Plans are new fuel pump,more boost, lower it a lot, new clutch, baffle the oil pan and see how long the stock 2.6 lasts.
Traded and a $800 e30 for it. Twins in Sf owned it and were selling it to get one of their cars out of impound. Its already had a autopower 4 point and momo seats/ steering wheel. Got it home, got it smogged, deleted the cat and all the emissions crap and installed a cam i had sitting around. Also threw my battles on it and bought some 18s for the rear (cause i'm stuck in 2008 still).
This where we stand right now. Need to figure out what to do with wheel color? New s14 bc coilovers (thx black friday)are on the way as well as 300zx to s14 conversion brake lines, new s14 balljoints, and random crap to make a powersteering line.
Modified the stock starion cross member shoehorns to work on the 240sx crossmember.
So i'll be ditching the stock steering box for a s13 rack with some nice inners, s14 outers, s14 knuckles,new oem 5 lug hubs, extended and boxed lcas, and z32 brakes. For the rear i just mod the pick up point on the coilover to work on the starion and done. More pics to come within the week while all the fab work happens. Plans are new fuel pump,more boost, lower it a lot, new clutch, baffle the oil pan and see how long the stock 2.6 lasts.
boosted88tsi- Posts : 7
Join date : 2015-11-18
Re: Its probably going to blow up
Subframe welded up
Extended lca's 2 inches per side. Should've gone inch and a half or so instead.
The outcome so far with camber set all the was positive haha. Needs a smaller tire up front and to lower it more but im broke atm. Next up is to mod the rear coilovers and hopefully get ready for winterjam.
boosted88tsi- Posts : 7
Join date : 2015-11-18
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